Gillson grabs the audience's hand and takes them deep dow...
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Followers 9
Following 43
Tracks 7
Location : Australia, Melbourne
Bio : Gillson grabs the audience's hand and takes them deep down the rabbit hole, looking across laughing, as it gets darker and curiouser and curiouser! Lampooning, satire, fun, heart-felt lyrics over awesome music; that's Gillson. Smart and fun. It's clever, creative and witty. Think Bowie meets Chas & Dave. Think Queen meets Eminem. Gillson is a great song writer, transporting an audience through thought and story, with divergence from song to song. Gillson performs and records as a solo acoustic guitarist and aims to gather a large fan base of listeners and live punters, who enjoy fun-filled, rambunctious performances coupled with moments of true beauty. Gillson's songs are modern-day Australian art, documenting ideas, struggles and celebrations. This is art; showcased for anyone who finds substance in it.
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